■ As you progress through certain stages, you will reach tutorial stages for helper items, and after clearing the tutorial stage, you will be able to use helper items.
※ Multiple tutorial stages are available, and the types of items you can use will increase as you reach the relevant stages.
Use items before starting a puzzle
Helper items selected before starting a puzzle are placed randomly.
Paint |
Paint Bottle |
Paint Bucket Inspi |
Inspiration Boost |
Count Boost |
Master's |
Paint Tube |
- Paint Brush: Erases an entire line in the direction you swipe.
- Paint Bottle: Erases a medium-sized area of surrounding pieces.
- Paint Bucket + Inspiration: Paint Bucket erases a large area of surrounding pieces, and Inspiration erases all pieces of the same color as the one you swap.
- Inspiration Boost: Each time you use a helper item, the Inspiration gauge increases by 200%.
- Count Boost: Increases the number of moves by 3. In timed stages, it adds 15 seconds.
- Clear Item (Master's Handkerchief): Use this when you can't clear a stage, and it will automatically complete it for you.
- Paint Tube: Can be used 3 times a day for free. After each puzzle, an advertisement will play regardless of whether you win or lose.
Use items during a puzzle
Helper items selected during a puzzle allow you to choose where to use them.
Palette |
Roller | Feather Duster |
Piece Swap | Paint Spray |
- Palette Knife: Erase any piece of your choice, including obstacle pieces like ropes or ice.
- Roller: Erase an entire column of your choice vertically.
- Feather Duster: Erase an entire row of your choice horizontally.
- Piece Swap: Swap any piece of your choice within a specific range, including pipes.
- Paint Spray: Change all the pieces you choose to the same color.